
Feeling whole is about acceptance. How do we hold all the parts of us, holding and accepting them with compassion?


Kindness is often the most courageous act when we feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed.


Open your heart and trust with bridge pose.


To be happy is to know you have always been loved.
To see yourself as you are, understand your own heart and be guided by your own voice.


There is so much beauty around you, just waiting for you to become present, catch a glimpse and feel inspired and hopeful again.


If you were a tree, what kind would you be? Would you have strong roots, a tall trunk, outstretched branches with a canopy of leaves? What gives you security and what inspires you towards growth?


Apply the 7.11 breathing technique to engage your parasympathetic nervous system and nourish your body and mind with breath.


Your health is the embodiment of support, with trillions of cells working together to create balance in your body.


Rise above your fears and transcend your current beliefs, identity and perspective and move into new possibilities and ways of being.

heart breathing

This practice is designed to help calm the body and mind and allow space for kindness and self-compassion.