How often do you stop and really check-in with how you are feeling? Often when life gets busy we start to neglect even our most basic needs, when all it could take is a quick 5 min reality check to bring more awareness to our day and keep us on track.
Having a daily reality check is a self-care practice that can have many benefits including:
- giving you focus around the aspects of your life that are important to you
- providing time for you to reflect on how you are really feeling
- enabling you to course-correct if needed to make sure you are looking after your needs
- feel more organised and in control of your day rather than allowing the day to control you
the practice
- Make a list of the essential things you need in your day to feel like you have look after your basic self-care needs. An example of this might be – to consciously move for at least 30 mins a day or to make sure you take regular breaks at work. It’s all about what you need, so make it your own.
- Write the list down and keep it in your diary, or somewhere you will see it in the morning.
- Make time for yourself daily to sit down with a cup of tea and your diary, review your daily check-in questions and make time for the things that are important to you.
- Review every season and update for any seasonal self-care needs as they change throughout the year.
The great thing is that this doubles as a way to check-in with yourself at the end of the day to see how you’ve gone and to give yourself a pat on the back for making it happen.
Here is my own list of daily check-in questions for Summer that I use for myself and with clients to help cover off some of the essentials.